For the past week, one of my best friends (Mae) and I have been trying to get back into shape. We usually go for a walk along the neighborhood trails near Discovery Lake, one my favorite places in San Marcos, then we finish off with some bodyweight exercises and stretching. I wanted to mix it up a little so I suggested we go geocaching. I tried going geocaching a couple years ago with 2 of my other best friends but we were unsuccessful that time and I never went geocaching again...until today!
I downloaded an app on my phone called Geosphere which is totally awesome! You can look up nearby caches and it has a built in GPS so you can navigate to your desired cache. You must have a account (which is free by the way) to use the app. I believe I paid $7.99 for the app but I think it's well worth it, especially if you're an avid geocacher or plan on becoming one! If you have no idea what geocaching's kind of like a real life treasure hunt! Containers, or "geocaches/caches", are hidden and inside are little treasures you can take and/or you can leave a treasure of your own. Each cache also contains a notebook where you can log the date and your geocaching name after you've found that cache. There are other fun rules, etc. with geocaching but for now I'll just leave you with the most basic description of geocaching.
So I checked the map to see if there were any caches near Discovery Lake and I saw that there were 4 caches right along the route we walk! So today we attempted to search for 3 of the caches and we found 2 of them!
The first cache we searched for required us to "go off the beaten path" and walk through a mountain biking trail instead of the normal walking trail you would assume you'd have to take to find the cache. When we got to the designated coordinates of the cache, we searched for probably 5 minutes and I found the container! You have no idea how excited we were to find it. Technically it was an easy find (1 out of 5 difficulty lol) but it was really exciting considering it was our first find. We left a few little things in the container, signed our name, took a few pics, then placed the container back where we found it.
Found the geocache!
We headed back to the main trail then made our way to the next cache. We followed the arrow on the app to the next cache's coordinates, looked around in the brush but couldn't find anything. Since Mae was wearing shorts and a tube top, she wasn't quite dressed enough to rustle through the brush and trees with me so she waited on the main trail. We were talking as I was looking and apparently a lady who was walking past Mae got scared and thought Mae was talking to herself since she didn't see me hiding in the trees haha. After unsuccessful searching, we decided to go to cache #3 then come back for this cache later.
Cache #3 was extremely frustrating. We couldn't find this cache at first either so we decided to keep on walking after maybe 10-15 minutes of looking. We walked to the end of our route then looped back to cache #3 again. We followed the hints and all the directions previous geocachers wrote about this app and still no cache! We probably spent about 30 minutes total trying to find this cache but no luck! We will definitely revisit this cache, possibly with another person...maybe they can find what we couldn't.
On our way back we came by cache #2 again and followed the hints which we failed to do last time. We looked in a different spot and what do you know, we found the cache! We didn't take any treasures out of this one either but we did leave a few things of our own.
I apologize for my lack of make-up...particularly my lack of eyebrows lol.
Mae was very enthusiastic lol.
After this point we were already sweating our butts off so we decided to end our workout here and walk back to our cars. We spent 2 hours on this little scavenger hunt but we had a blast doing it! We plan on going geocaching maybe once a week, possibly with more people. Until next time!